Sexual Reproduction

Concept Explanation

Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction: In sexual reproduction, two parents are required to produce a new organism. Most plants and mammals, including human beings, reproduce sexually. In this process genetic material is inherited from both the parents. Organisms with male and female organs in same individual are called as bisexual or monoecious. Eg : Animals -Jelly fish, Earthworm, slugs etc. Plants : castor bean , cucumber, papaya etc. Organisms with male and female sex organs in different individuals are called as unisexual a or dioecious. Eg : Animals  : mammals, birds, insects etc. Plants  : aspargus, holly plant, ginkgo tree etc. Sexual reproduction is better than asexual reproduction in the fact that it causes variation which is important for evolution. 


Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Human has _______ mode of reproduction

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Identify from the following, the process of asexual reproduction in hydra.

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Reproduction in man is only __________________

Right Option : B
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